Machine learning

Acadbuddy’s 100+ hours Machine learning is a very effective and advanced tool which helps you create meaningful predictions out of your raw data and help you with constructing a competitive edge in the industry!


Acadbuddy’s 100+ hours machine learning certification programme is considered one of the most in-demand courses which will take you around regression models, cross-validation and hypermeter etc. It is one of the most competitive courses since it helps in improving the accuracy of machines and saves time in the corporate world. Machine Learning is considered one of the most efficient branches of artificial intelligence and has the capacity to make predictions on the data and help you connect the dots.

Week-wise Modules

  • Module 1: Understanding the practicality of data preprocessing: Hands-On - Import Library to Read and Slice the data, Understand the dataset and features mapping, Hands-On - Handling Missing Values, Label-Encoding for Categorical Data, Hands-On Label Encoding, On- Hot-Encoding for Categorical Data, Data normalization, Data Normalization using Standard Scaler, Data Normalization using min max, Train and Test Data Split explained.
  • Module 2: Regression model: Simple Linear Regression, Ordinary Least Square and Regression Errors, Train and Test Model, Test the model and Predict Y Values, R-Squared and its Importance, Score and Get coefficients, Calculate RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error), Multiple Linear Regression, Degrees of Freedom, Adjusted R-Squared, Assumptions of Multiple Linear Regression, Linearity and Multicollinearity Assumption, Autocorrelation, Dummy Variable trap, Calculate and measure RMSLE for Kaggle.
  • Module 3: Equipping the basis of classification: Logistic Regression, a Case study of the Kaggle Loan Prediction System, Confusion, Matrix, Mathematical Intuition of SVM, SVM Kernel Functions, SVM Kernel Function Types, IRIS Classification Problem. Multiple Model Creation and Comparison, Train and creating Models, Intuition Behind Decision Trees, Adult Income Prediction Problem Understanding (Case study implementation), Split data and Import Classifier.
  • Module 4: Let’s evaluate the classification model: Need for Evaluation and Accuracy Paradox, Classification Evaluation Measures Evaluation Metrics for Loan Prediction projects, Threshold and Adjusting Thresholds, AUC ROC Curve using Python, Univariate Feature Selection, F-Test for Regression and Classification, Chi-Squared Intuition, Dimensionality Reduction, Principal Components Analysis Convert the Dimensions to PCA, Regularization, L1 and L2 for Multicollinearity and Feature Selection.
  • Module 5: Understanding the concept of cross-validation and hyperparameter: Cross Validation, Hyperparameter Tuning, Grid Search and Randomized Search Approach, GridSearchCV Parameters, Create GirdSearchCV Object, Select Best Model, Randomized Search Keras and TensorFlow, Activation Functions, Softmax Activation Function, Loss Function, Cross Entropy Loss Functions, Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, SGD with Momentum, Adagrad and RMSProp for Learning rate decay, Adam Optimizers Keras Neural Network Mode, Transfer learning, CNN, Optimization-based algorithms for Deep Neural networks.

Perks of Choosing acadbuddy course

1. Attend live online sessions from the convenience of your home

2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight of the career prospects

3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest concentration

4. Subject-related doubt-clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with substantial queries during and after the sessions

5. Industry recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization

6. Career counselling sessions are conducted between and after the course to give you a crisp idea about career advancement opportunities.

Tools you will learn

Anaconda: Anaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing (data science, machine learning applications, large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, etc.), that aims to simplify package management and deployment.

Jupyter Notebook: Jupyter Notebook allows users to compile all aspects of a data project in one place making it easier to show the entire process of a project to your intended audience. Through the web-based application, users can create data visualizations and other components of a project to share with others via the platform.

Placement assistance

Acabuddy brings to you a bunch of career counseling and growth sessions and helps you get your hands on the right job and help you enlighten your career.

Career Opportunities

1. Data Scientist:-
A data scientist is a professional who collects, organizes, analyzes, and interprets large and complex data sets to identify patterns, make decisions, and solve problems. They earn an average salary of $126,286

2.Software Engineer:-
A software engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and maintains software applications and systems. They earn an average salary of $77,770
Data Engineer:-

3. A data engineer is an IT professional who is responsible for building and maintaining systems that collect, manage, and transform raw data into usable information for data scientists and business analysts to interpret. They earn an average salary of $113,929

What are we offering

1. Attend live online sessions from the convenience of your home.

2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight into the career opportunities.

3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest building.

4. Subject-related live doubt clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with queries during and after the sessions.

5. Industry-recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization.

6. Career counselling sessions conducted in between and after the course to give you a crisp idea about the career advancement opportunities.

Live Projects & Case Studies

AcadBuddy offers you a variety of hands-on practical projects to enhance your learning and explore new horizons.

Quiz & Win

Quizzes and prizes are our perks. Therefore, we offer you a variety of quizzes to help you gather queries and help students encounter a new way of learning. Winning prizes right after you ace the quiz is another slice which can be sent to you by the end of your course.

Test your learning.

  • AcadBuddy is supposed to offer you a test to check your skills also known as the final examination before issuing the certificate. The passing criteria for receiving the certificate is 50%.

What Our Buddy Says

Sample Certificate

You will have to score atleast 50% marks in order to get your hands on the certificate attached below customised with your name.


Is the course online or offline?
The training will be conducted online from the comfort of your bed.
What is the duration of the program?
The duration of the program will be 4-5 months and the classes will be conducted on the weekends.
For how long will the certificate be valid?
The certificate will be valid throughout your career.
What all will be included in case studies?
The case studies will be based on the practical training you are going to receive in this course.
How is Acadbuddy’s course different from others?
AcadBuddy is different from others because of its principles involved that is:- Providing live sessions Placement/internship assistance Creating a student-mentor relationship to increase your power of networking. On-the-spot doubt solving
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