full-stack web development

130+ Hours of Full-stack web development certification.


130+ Hours Full-stack web development certification program conducted by AcadBuddy will help you build your dream website by providing you with a brisk knowledge of the frontend and backend panels. Full-stack developers help in the development of both client and system software and applications. Full-stack development focuses on enhancing your analytical skills to help develop websites quicker and easier. The curriculum is developed keeping in mind the basics of preparing a website.

Week-wise Modules

  • Module 1: Introduction of Basic web development:,Introduction of Web Application. ,Lab Introduction.,Support System Introduction.,Community ,Introduction. ,Internet and How it Works. ,Web Browser. ,Browser Engine. ,Static Site. ,Dynamic Site Client and Server What is UI/UX? ,Who is the Frontend Developer? ,Who is a Backend Developer? ,Importance of Portfolio. ,Making an Account on GitHub and LinkedIn. ,Explaining the Importance of GitHub and LinkedIn. ,Why should one write a blog and its Importance? ,Different Platforms to Write Blog.,What is HTML? ,What is CSS? ,Why did JavaScript Come into the picture? ,History of JavaScript.,Introduction to Web Development. ,First Hello World. Showing with Live Server. ,Introduction to Emmet. ,Writing First Code on Emmet. ,Emmet and Speedy Html. ,Parent-Child and Grouping.
  • Module 2: Learn the power of HTML.,An Old Style Blog App (Heading, Paragraph, Formatting, etc.). ,Inline vs Block Element. ,Bring in Images, Lists and Interlinking pages. ,Getting a video on the page.,Tables and their Properties.,Walkthrough of FORMS. ,GET and POST forms.,Types of input forms.
  • Module 3: Grow with Semantics: A Complete Walkthrough with.,HTML and HTML5 What are Semantics tags? ,Writing different Semantics tags that we have.,Showing how semantic tags are present in Real Projects.
  • Module 4:Practice the art of CSS: ,Introduction to CSS.,A different way to bring CSS into the HTML file. ,Inline CSS and Working. ,Internal CSS and Working. ,External CSS and working. ,Priority of CSS in the file. ,Explore and bring in fonts. ,Bring in colors and styles. ,Margin and padding.,Box-Model,Text and Font Display and Max-Width overflow and Z-index. Pseudo Classes.,Gradients, Transitions, and Tooltips , Animation.
  • Module 5: Positioning and mobile responsiveness:,What are media queries? , Media query in action , Writing Media Query for Different Screens,Bring content in columns ,Playing with Different Media ,CSS Layout ,CSS Position , Position Property ,Working with Different CSS Position Property,Unit in CSS (rem, em, vh, vw, percentage).
  • Module 6: Flex more with our Flexbox: ,What is Flexbox? , Get to know the power of Flexbox ,Different Flexbox properties - Part 1 ,Different Flexbox properties - Part 2 , Different Flex Child Property , Flex Froggy Game.
  • Module 7: Flex more with our Flexbox: ,What is Flexbox? , Get to know the power of Flexbox , Different Flexbox properties - Part 1 , Different Flexbox properties - Part 2 , Different Flex Child Property , Flex Froggy Game
  • Module 8: Fit into the Grid ,What is a grid? , Difference between flex and grid , Getting started with Grid , Row and Column in Grid , Creating Album with Grid.
  • Module 9:Learn Javascript, conditions, and loops: , Values and Datatypes , Variables and types of Operators , What are Conditions , If,If-else, if-else-if,Switch Case ,Ternary Conditions ,Why and What of Loops ,While Loop ,Do While Loop ,For Loop ,Break , Continue for of (Introduction) , for in (Introduction).
  • Module 10: Learn more about Javascript fundamentals: What is an Array, Index in an array and access from array , Array methods , Why and What of Functions and Function Declaration ,Function without a parameter and return , Function with a parameter (Single, and Multiple) ,Function with an unlimited number of parameters , Arrow Function , Anonymous Function ,Expression Function ,Self-evoking Functions What was the need for an object? , Creating an object and Manipulating values in Object , Object methods.
  • Module 11: Find direction with Array : Accessing in Array , Changing the values in Array , Array methods
  • Module 12. Learn about DOM: Visualize of DOM , How do we target DOM , DOM and its Working , Methods of DOM - Part 1 , Methods of DOM - Part 2 , Methods of DOM - Part 3 , Visualize of DOM, How do we target DOM, DOM and its Working , Methods of DOM - Part 1 , Methods of DOM - Part 2,Methods of DOM - Part 3, Color changer in DOM
  • Module 13:Sort your life with HOF, functional programming, and restructuring:,What is Higher Order Function (HOF) , Callback, Returning function,Setting time (Setinterval, SetTimeout) , For each, map, filter reduce every kind, sort , What are a regex and Different Characters in Regex and what importance ,Writing regex with example , What is Higher Order Function (HOF) ,Callback, Returning function ,Setting time (Setinterval, SetTimeout) ,For each, map, the filter reduce , every find, sort , What are regex and Different Characters in Regex and what importance , Writing regex with example.
  • Module 14:Learn the art of Error handling and prototyping:,Try and Catch , Use of try-catch in real-world Application ,Defining a class, Class Instantiation , Class Constructor, Default values with constructor Class methods and Properties with initial value getter and setter Explaining Prototypes ,How prototypes Work ,How do we manipulate this using Prototypes Explaining What is Closure? ,First Program in Closure and Understanding Closure.
  • Module 15:The only Callback and promises that will get fulfilled,Callback , Promise Constructor , Async and Await , Fetch API.
  • Module 16: Working on javascript: ,Scope / Lexical Scope / Black Scope ,Single Thread ,Execution Context ,Call Stack ,Hoisiting ,Working of function,Global Space and Global Scope ,Lexical Scope ,Let, var and Const and Temporal Dead Zone.
  • Module 17: Git and GitHub.,Introduction to Git and Explaining Version Control System What and Why of Github? ,Installation and Git Config ,Git Initialization and First Commit ,Importance of gitignore ,Creating Branch, Merging Branch, and Checkout to the main branch ,Creating an Account on Github and Creating a repo on GitHub, Explaining the URL for that Git Repo ,Initialization of GitHub to the local system ,Push the file to GitHub.
  • Module 18: Power of Networking made easier: ,Network ,TCP/IP ,OSI Model ,Web Socket ,HTTP 1 and HTTP 2 and HTTP 3 ,Introduction to OS ,Hashing and Encryption ,Linux Command
  • Module 19: Learn Fundamentals of Database: , What is a Database? ,What are the types of Databases? ,What is SQL Database and its Types of SQL Databases? , CAP Theorem , ACID , What is Schema? and Schema Design , Walk through with Database Design (ER Diagram)
  • Module 20: SQL and NO SQL,RDBMS and all its Concept (Field, Row, Column, Null Values, Constraint, NF) , MySQL and Installation , SQL Queries - Part 1 (Show Database, use, Select and Create) ,SQL Queries - Part 2 (Insert, update, delete) ,SQL Queries - Part 3 (Joins) ,What is NoSQL and what Types of NoSQL Databases? ,Advantages and Disadvantages of SQL and NoSQL? ,What is a Collection? ,Why and What of MongoDB ,Why and What of,MongoDB, MongoDB Query - Part 1 (Show, use, Create Select) ,MongoDB Query - Part 2 (Insert, Update, Delete) ,MongoDB Query - Part 3 ,(Constraint, Sorting, and Aggregation) ,Optimization (Indexing and Sequence) ,Sharding.
  • Module 21:Find Patterns:,Monolithic Architecture , Microservices Architecture , MVC Design Pattern
  • Module 22: Fundamentals of NodeJs: , NodeJs Architecture , NPM init and Package.json , Path module , FS Module , OS Module , Events Modul, HTTP Module.
  • Module 23: Express your needs correctly: ,How to Create a Server in Nodejs ,How to Handle Different URLs ,What is Express JS and Why do we use ExpressJs ,Different Types of NodeJS Frameworks ,Basics of Routes ,Writing First Hello World using Express PORT ,Protected Routes, Middleware , What are ORM (SQL) and ODM (NoSQL) , Connecting to MongoDB using ODM.
  • Module 24: React whenever needed:,Background of React ,Starter Project with CDN createRoot() & render() methods of react18 Why JSX?,Embedding JS expressions in JSX , Conditional Rendering JSX component ,createRoot() & render() methods of react18 Props and its uses
  • Module 25: Hooking your life with Router and hooks:,useState() use effect() , How to use map() to render array & Optimizing lists with key arguments,Methods of Conditional rendering ,React Router DOM (V6) useParams and use Route Error , Use Context () ,use Memo () ,use callback().
  • Module 26:Learn the art of Form handling:,Form Handling and Validation with Formik ,Redux - Store Concept ,What are Reducer and Actions ,How to Dispatch an Action.
  • Module 27: Live projects and case studies

Perks of Choosing acadbuddy course

1. Attend live online sessions from the convenience of your home

2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight into the career prospects

3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest concentration

4. Subject-related doubt-clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with substantial queries during and after the sessions

5. Industry-recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization

6. Career counseling sessions are conducted between and after the course to give you a crisp idea about career advancement opportunities.

Tools you will learn

1. Backbone:Backbone.js lets you add structure to your JavaScript code. It converts your data into models, which you can manage with more ease. It is excellent for developing one-page applications and helps you in keeping your code organized and straightforward.
2. CodePen: it is a web development environment made specifically for web designers and front-end developers. As a full-stack developer, you have to be proficient in both front-end and back-end development. CodePen is the solution for your front-end needs. It has a thriving community of front-end developers where you can share your work.

Placement assistance

Acabuddy brings to you a bunch of career counseling and growth sessions and helps you get your hands on the right job and help you enlighten your career.

Career Opportunities

1. Full stack developers:
A full-stack developer is responsible for building the frontend and backend panels of the desired website. A full-stack developer earns an average salary of $85,469.
2.WordPress developer:
WordPress developers are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing websites using WordPress. They earn an average salary of $64,587.
3. Software engineers:
Software engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining system software. They earn an average salary of $89765.

What are we offering

1. Attend live online sessions from the convenience of your home.

2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight into career opportunities.

3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest building.

4. Subject-related live doubt clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with queries during and after the sessions.

5. Industry-recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization.

6. Career counseling sessions conducted in between and after the course to give you a crisp idea about the career advancement opportunities.

Live Projects & Case Studies

AcadBuddy offers you a variety of hands-on practical projects to enhance your learning and explore new horizons.

Quiz & Win

Acadbuddy brings to You industry relevant real-life projects to check the application of your knowledge and help you understand the profession-driven, career-oriented cases to be taken into consideration. Participation in these quizzes can help you get your hands on a variety of prizes and goodies

Test your learning.

  • AcadBuddy is supposed to offer you a test to check your skills also known as the final examination before issuing the certificate. The passing criteria for receiving the certificate is 50%.

What Our Buddy Says

Sample Certificate

You will have to score at least 50% marks in order to get your hands on the certificate attached below customized with your name.


Is Full stack development a full-time career?
Yes, Full stack development is a full-time career
Is the course online or offline?
The training will be conducted online from the comfort of your bed.
What is the duration of the program?
The duration of the program will be 4-5 months and the classes will be conducted on the weekends.
For how long will the certificate be valid?
The certificate will be valid throughout your career.
What will be included in case studies?
The case studies will be based on the practical training you are going to receive in this course.
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