Basic Data Structure and Algorithms

42+ Hours of Basic Data Structure and Algorithm certification.


Acadbuddy’s basic Data Structure and Algorithms certification program will teach you how to organize and store data in a computer system that can be accessed and used efficiently whenever required. It specifies particular steps to solve complex business problems. Data Structure is used to manipulate data and find valuable outcomes from the same. The curriculum is prepared in an easy-to-understand format making it beginner and application-friendly.

Week-wise Modules

  • The course is divided into 19 modules which will be covered in 3 months
  • Getting to know DSA (2 hours), Algorithm analysis
  • Learning the Importance of algorithm analysis (2 hours),Time and space complexity,Big O notation,Complexity theory
  • Working on knowing various Types of complexity (worst-case, average-case, best-case) (2hours),Time complexity classes (O (1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), O(n^2), etc.),Space complexity,Asymptotic notation.
  • Learning Big O notation (2 hours),Omega notation,Theta notation,Data Structures, Arrays
  • Working on the art of Basic operations (access, insert, delete) (2 hours), Multi-dimensional arrays, Dynamic arrays, Linked lists, Singly linked lists, Doubly linked lists,Circular linked lists,Operations (insertion, deletion, traversal),Time complexity analysis
  • Making Stacks and queues hand in hand (2 hours),Stack implementation and operations (push, pop),Queue implementation and operations (enqueue, dequeue),Applications of stacks and queues, Trees
  • Building Binary trees (2 hours), Binary search trees, AVL trees, Heap trees, Traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-order), Operations (insertion, deletion, searching),Heaps.
  • Learning Max heap and min heap (2 hours),Heapify operation,Heap sort algorithm,Priority queues,Hash tables.
  • Basic to advance Hashing functions (2 hours),Collision resolution techniques (chaining, open addressing),Hash table operations (insertion, deletion, searching), Load factor and resizing
  • Build your Graphs (2 hours),Graph representation (adjacency matrix, adjacency list),Graph traversal algorithms (depth-first search, breadth-first search),Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm),Minimum spanning tree algorithms (Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm),Algorithm Design Techniques,Brute force
  • Learning Exhaustive search (2 hours),Generating all subsets or permutations,Time complexity analysis
  • Dividing and conquering is not just in kingdoms (2 hours), Concept of dividing a problem into smaller sub problems, Examples: merge sort, quicksort, binary search,Time complexity analysis
  • Learn the basics of Dynamic programming (2 hours),Memorization and tabulation,Examples: Fibonacci series, knapsack problem,Time complexity analysis
  • The only Greedy algorithms you ever wanna learn (2 hours),Greedy choice property,Examples: fractional knapsack, minimum spanning tree,Time complexity analysis
  • Backtracking is always fun (2 hours),Concept of backtracking and recursion,Examples: N-Queens problem, Sudoku solver,Time complexity analysis, Specific Algorithms
  • Sorting algorithms not life (2 hours), Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort,Merge sort,Quick sort,Radix sort,Time complexity analysis and comparison
  • Let’s Search algorithms (2 hours),Linear search,Binary search,Interpolation search,Hash-based search,Time complexity analysis and comparison
  • Keep in track your Graph traversal algorithms (2 hours),Depth-first search (DFS),Breadth-first search (BFS), Topological sorting
  • Live projects included with every module (6 hours)

Perks of Choosing acadbuddy course

1. Attend live online sessions from the convenience of your home

2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight into the career prospects

3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest concentration

4. Subject-related doubt-clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with substantial queries during and after the sessions

5. Industry-recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization

6. Career counseling sessions are conducted between and after the course to give you a crisp idea about career advancement opportunities.

Tools you will learn

1. C++ Standard Template Library (STL) The STL provides fundamental data structures and algorithms including vectors, lists, and sorting operations. It facilitates effective coding, improving program efficiency and readability.

2. Python's itertools: Python's itertools module provides a selection of quick, memory-efficient tools for building iterators. It is essential for creating unique algorithms and working with sequences.

3. Java Collections Framework: Java's Collections Framework provides interfaces and classes for various data structures. It makes data handling and management simpler, promoting effective algorithm implementation in Java applications.

Placement assistance

Acabuddy brings to you a bunch of career counseling and growth sessions and helps you get
hands on the right job and help you enlighten your career.

Career Opportunities

1. HR Administrator:
Hire programmers for big tech companies like Google and Microsoft by learning the
basics of data structuring. They can earn an average salary of $54,578 just by learning
the basics
2. Software Developers:
Understand the art of writing codes quicker and easier to get desired outcomes and
faster results. It can land you up to earning an average salary of $78965 per annum.

What are we offering

1. Attend live online sessions from convenience of your home
2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight of the
career prospects
3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest concentration
4. Subject-related doubt-clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with substantial
queries during and after the sessions
5. Industry-recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization
6. Career counseling sessions conducted in between and after the course to give you a
crisp idea about the career advancement opportunities

Live Projects & Case Studies

Acadbuddy brings to You industry relevant real-life projects to check the application of your
knowledge and help you understand the profession-driven, career-oriented cases to be taken
into consideration

Quiz & Win

Participation in these quizzes can help you get your hands on a variety of
prizes and goodies.

Test your learning.

  • AcadBuddy is supposed to offer you a test to check your skills also known as the final examination before issuing the certificate. The passing criteria for receiving the certificate is 50%.

What Our Buddy Says

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What will be included in case studies?
The case studies will be based on the practical training you are going to receive in this course.
For how long will the certificate be valid?
The certificate will be valid throughout your career.
What is the duration of the program?
The duration of the program will be 3 months and the classes will be conducted on the weekends.
Is the course online or offline?
The training will be conducted online from the comfort of your bed.
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