Advance Data Structure and Algorithms

100+ hours of live online learning


Acadbuddy’s advanced Data Structure and Algorithms certification program will teach you how to organize and store data in a computer system that can be accessed and used efficiently whenever required. It specifies particular steps to solve complex business problems. Data Structure is used to manipulate data and find valuable outcomes from the same. The curriculum is prepared in an easy-to-understand format making it beginner and application-friendly

Week-wise Modules

  • The course is divided into 16 modules which will be covered in approximately 6 months
  • Learning the use of C++ : (16 hours approx. 4 weeks), Introduction to C++ as a programming language,Installation of VS Code and making it ready to get started,Number Systems,Basic Printing,Variables and Data types,Arithmetic Operations,Importance of inclusion of header file,Compilation Process,Taking input from the user,Other operators,Operator Precedence,Data Type Casting,If, Else if and else,Combining multiple conditions,Ternary and switch statement,Problems on conditions,For, while and do-while loops,Problems on loops,Break and continue,Problems on loops using operators,Pattern Printing Basic Problems,Pattern Printing Advanced Problems,Need and importance of functions,Function declaration and definition,Global and local variable,What is int. main(),Various inbuilt functions,Incorrect swap function,What is a variable in terms of memory?,Address of a variable,Introduction to Pointers,Pointer Arithmetic,Pass by reference and pass by value,Functions and pointers (Correct swap function),Double pointers,Array declaration,Array elements accessing and modification,Linear Search,Arrays as argument to functions,Arrays and pointers,Problems on Arrays,Dynamic Allocation,Implementation of Dynamic Array class,Introduction to C++ STL and Vectors,Problems on one dimensional arrays,Two dimensional Array declaration,2D array elements accessing and modification,Problems on 2D arrays,Problems on 2D arrays,Matrix Multiplication,Problems on 2D arrays,Character Arrays,C++ STL string class,Problems on Strings.
  • Analyzing the basics of algorithms : (8 hours approx. 2 weeks),Why asymptotic analysis,Time Complexity,Space Complexity,Problems to calculate time complexity,Bubble Sort,Time and space complexity,Selection Sort,Insertion Sort,Problems on Basic Sorting.
  • “Searching” for dots to connect: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Analysis of linear search,Binary Search,Implementation of C++ lower bound,Search Space of Binary Search,Problems on Binary Search.
  • Let’s learn Recursion : (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Recursion,Principle of Mathematical Induction,Problems on Recursion 1,Calculating time complexity of Recursive codes,Greatest Common Divisor,Problems on Recursion 2,Efficient Power function,Problems on Recursion 3,Problems on Recursion 4.
  • Sort your careers with ”Advanced Sorting” : (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Merge Sort,Time and space complexity analysis of divide and conquer
  • Inversion Count,Problems on Merge sort,Quick Sort,Randomised ,Quick Sort,Inbuilt sort functions,Custom Comparators,Cyclic Sort,Problems on,Cyclic Sort,Sieve of Eratosthenes,Questions on Prefix Sum,Sliding Window,Basic bitwise operations: AND OR NOT XOR ,Basic problems on XOR operator,Modulo Operation,Basic Modulo Properties,Some basic problems using Modulo Arithmetic.
  • Go through Object Oriented Programming : (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Importance of OOPS paradigm,Class declaration and definition,Data members and methods,Creating objects,Constructors,Destructors,Friend Function,Operator Overloading,Pillars of OOPS.
  • Learn unlinking the Linked List : (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Implementation of Linked List class,Two pointers (or multiple pointers)approach,Problems on Linked List,Problems on Linked List,Implementation of Doubly Linked List,Other kinds of Linked List (Just introduction and uses).
  • Stack up your doubts: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Inbuilt stack class,Problems on stack 1,Problems on Stack 2,Problems on Stack 3,Implementation of Stacks.
  • Queue in your projects: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Inbuilt queue class,Problems on Queues 1,Problems on Queues 2.
  • Let’s create Binary trees: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Linear vs Non-linear data structures,Implementation of Binary Trees,Tree traversals
  • Height and diameter of binary tree,Some Mathematical observations and formulas for binary trees,Problems on Binary Trees,Introduction to Trees,Implementation of Tree class (Input and printing),Use of Binary Search Tree,Implementation of BST (including searching),Deletion of Nodes in BST,Problems on BST,Time complexity analysis and need for balanced BSTs,Implementation of AVL Trees.
  • Let's get the “Priority Queues” in place: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Introduction to Complete Binary Trees,Introduction to Priority Queues,Inbuilt Priority Queue,Implementation of Heap Data Structure,Heap Sort,Problems on Priority Queue.
  • Learn Hashmaps and Sets: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Need of hashmaps,Introduction to hashmaps,Use of inbuilt hashmaps,Problems on hashmaps,Problems on hashmaps,Hash functions,Collision Handling,Implementation of Hashmaps,Load Factor,Use of inbuilt sets,Problems on Sets.
  • Backtracking will make you wonder: (5 hours approx. 1.5 weeks),Backtracking,Problems of Backtracking 1,Problems of Backtracking 2.
  • The only greed we support “Ad-hoc and Greedy”: (5 hours approx. 1.5weeks),Various problems requiring simple observations,Problems using Greedy Approach.
  • Revisit Dynamic Programming and Bit Manipulation: (5 hours approx. 1.5weeks),Dynamic Programming,Bottom Up Thinking,Top Down Approach,Problems on Dynamic Programming,Problems on Dynamic Programming,Setting and unsetting of bits,Problems on Bit Manipulation and Dynamic Programming.
  • Stock up your Graphs: (7 hours approx. 2 weeks),Importance of understanding graphs,Graph Terminology,Various implementations,Breadth-First Search,Depth First Search,Weighted Graphs,Directed Graphs,Bellman Ford Algorithm,Floyd Warshall Algorithm,Dijkstra’s Algorithm,Minimum Spanning Trees,Prim’s Algorithm,Union Set implementation,Problems on Union Set,Kruskal's Algorithm,Topological Sort and implementation,Strongly Connected Components,Kosaraju’s Algorithm,Implementation of Tries,Huffman Encoding Algorithm.
  • Live projects and case studies (4 hours approx. 1 week)

Perks of Choosing acadbuddy course

1. We believe in creating extraordinary student-mentor relationships therefore
we are offering Live classes on the weekends to maintain a work-life
balance for you.
2. Acadbuddy brings to you the largest network of experienced working
professionals to bring to you a variety of insights.
3. We believe in a win-win for both and provide you with quizzes that bring you
exciting goodies.
4. Acadbuddy’s course completion certificates claim to be recognized by all MNC

Tools you will learn

1. C++ Standard Template Library (STL) The STL provides fundamental data structures and algorithms including vectors, lists, and sorting operations. It facilitates effective coding, improving program efficiency and readability.

2. Python's itertools: Python's itertools module provides a selection of quick, memory-efficient tools for building iterators. It is essential for creating unique algorithms and working with sequences.

3. Java Collections Framework: Java's Collections Framework provides interfaces and classes for various data structures. It makes data handling and management simpler, promoting effective algorithm implementation in Java applications.

Placement assistance

Acabuddy brings you a bunch of career counseling and growth sessions and helps
you get your hands on the right job and help you enlighten your career.

Career Opportunities

1. HR Administrator:-
Hire programmers for big tech companies like google and microsoft by learning
the basics of data structuring. They can earn an average salary of $54,578 just
by learning the basics
2. Software Developers:-
Understand the art of writing codes quicker and easier to get desired outcomes
and faster results. It can land you up into earning an average salary of $78965
per annum.

What are we offering

1. Attend live online sessions from the convenience of your home.

2. Sessions conducted by experienced industry professionals to give you an insight into career opportunities.

3. Providing mindful quizzes and exercises to help in interest building.

4. Subject-related live doubt clearing and mastering sessions to help you out with queries during and after the sessions.

5. Industry-recognised Certificate of completion offered to you by our reputed organization.

6. Career counseling sessions conducted in between and after the course to give you a crisp idea about the career advancement opportunities.

Live Projects & Case Studies

Acadbuddy brings to you industry-relevant real-life projects to check the application of
your knowledge and help you understand the profession-driven, career-oriented cases
to be taken into consideration.

Quiz & Win

Participation in these quizzes can help you get your
hands on a variety of prizes and goodies.

Test your learning.

  • AcadBuddy is supposed to offer you a test to check your skills also known as the final examination before issuing the certificate. The passing criteria for receiving the certificate is 50%.

What Our Buddy Says

Sample Certificate

You will have to score at least 50% marks in order to get your hands on the certificate attached below customized with your name.


Is the course online or offline?
The training will be conducted online from the comfort of your bed.
What is the duration of the program?
The duration of the program will be 6 months and the classes will be conducted on the weekends.
For how long will the certificate be valid?
The certificate will be valid throughout your career.
What will be included in case studies?
The case studies will be based on the practical training you are going to receive in this course.
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